About Me

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I'm living Guatemala for 2 years to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer. This blog is to stay in touch with family and friends about my adventures. It does not reflect the beliefs of the United States government, Peace Corps, nor the people or government of Guatemala.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lots of Reflection

So I'm beginning to realize that in my free time here I'm constantly thinking about A)what I might want to do when my service is over or B) things that I miss from the states or C)experiences I wish I could do over again. This past week I have been remembering how this time in the past two years I was doing some pretty crazy and exciting things. Last year was my last week of college and I was writing all of these crazy-long papers (one of which was all about Guatemala-foreshadowing?) and getting ready for graduation. I can't believe I graduated a year ago. Time goes by so fast. This time two years ago I was finishing my semester abroad in Salamanca... that feels like ages ago. I was finishing one of my favorite semesters of college and doing a little bit of traveling. I miss that semester a lot. I love Spain. This leads to topic A) I'm thinking that I really want to go back there after my service and just spend some more time studying (and playing) in Spain, my first country home away from home.

But back the the right now, I just can't believe that I am in Guatemala. 4 months into service and 23 to go. 23 months sounds like a lot but it also sounds a lot less than 27. The three months of training flew by and so has the first month in site but it is a weird passage of time. Sometimes the days feel like they drag on forever and that I'm not accomplishing much but then I look at my calendar and the month is over. I feel like my concept of time is completely skewed. I spend the day running miscellaneous errands related to work or daily need and end up not feeling like I've done many things of substance. Then it is night time and I'm really tired and wondering what happened to the day and what exactly did I do. I'm worried that I've become either incredibly lazy or very Guatemalan. I guess I'm ok with both options. But I want to feel more productive with my days. There are 692 days left, not that I'm counting already but I just need to have so more things to do. I just have to keep reminding myself that all will happen in good time. Just have to be patient and let it ride.


  1. I'll tell you time flies after college! Its been god, 3 years now for me which makes 7 since high-school eeeek! But my advice is just to take as much in as you can and do as much as you can. That way there's no regrets. You'll probably find that once you really start your work in the schools that time will fly and you'll wonder where it went. xoxo :)

  2. I'd say one thing you learn living overseas is that Americans are always in a hurry---hurry to experience this, get this done, go here, make a list and get it done...Well just make a list and be patient.....It'll come. Love you
