About Me

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I'm living Guatemala for 2 years to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer. This blog is to stay in touch with family and friends about my adventures. It does not reflect the beliefs of the United States government, Peace Corps, nor the people or government of Guatemala.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Kittie Worries

So, I know that I said I named my cat Sadie but I'm just not sure how I feel about it... Betty was also pretty set on Marvin but now she is feeling (Sir)Blacksburg Cheese. The Sir is my addition I just feel like cats are regal and calling them Sir makes any name better. Anyway, we were hoping for some suggestions to name our cats because we realized that these are our first pets on our own, usually it comes down to a family vote. I know it's hard to think of names without seeing an animal and its personality but any and all suggestions are welcome. It's a big responsibility we have...


  1. hmmm....that's hard- need to see'm, feel'em and play.They are sure cute, and little. how about something with -ito on the end of it....pookie-ito!!You asked...xxxooo

  2. i like the ito idea....like wincito....jk....but i really think they should incorporate the alta men....just a thought...

  3. Iddie and Biddie. teenie and tiny. or sir Iddie and Madame Biddie...etc

  4. I think the two possible names are:
    Sir Gramalicious (dedicated to our favorite non-PC volunteer) and Madame Sand Baby III.

    Creativity points for the win!
