About Me

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I'm living Guatemala for 2 years to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer. This blog is to stay in touch with family and friends about my adventures. It does not reflect the beliefs of the United States government, Peace Corps, nor the people or government of Guatemala.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Long Week

Well, I'm sorry for the lack of post and feel that this one may be a bit of a downer but I'm letting out so you guys can help me get over it. Adjusting to life in Tecpan is getting past the fun honey moon stage and starting to get a little hard. I'm really starting to miss the nice things at home and hearing about the good times friends and family are having< makes me a little sad. Although, our job is going well and our CTA is really a great worker and we have a mutual respect level. We have already been to 10 schools!!! That's really exciting and we think within the next month we will really be starting our job and getting down to business. These first few visits are just to show us where we are working and present us to the schools with some authority. Things are just moving slowly and I think that's what I have to get used to.

I really love spending time with my host family, they are really sweet and nice people. I will just be ready to move into the apartment sooner rather than later. Living with a host family has so many benefits and I know I will be really happy in the end with the relationship that forms between us. I'm just at a time where I am sick of being at the mercy of what they want to do or eat. I don't like feeling like I have to respond to them whenever I want to do something. I also think my body is getting sick of all the food I keep stuffing in it. Because even when they say I don't have to eat it, I have to eat it. I have cut tortillas out of my diet and I think that has made me feel a lot better. Also Betty and I joined the local gym... If you can call it that. 100Q a month for a few bikes, some weights, old school ellipticals... But it's something right? We have done a good job of starting a bit of a fitness plan, so that's good. At least I have control over something.

To make matters worse. I got robbed the other day. No need to panic or worry. Everyone says it is a freak accident. It was terrifying but I'm ok and I'm not going to let some gross, jerky, guatemalan masked-man scare me. It was just the cherry on top of my very homesick Tuesday and I don't wish that experience on anyone. But I'm going to learn from it and things will be ok.

I guess all I really want to say at this point is that things are going. Slowly but surely. The first three months are the hardest but I know I can do it. Any postive thoughts or words of advice are welcome. I'm just going to take everything one day at a time and I'm sure before I know it life here will feel so normal and great.

The postive news is that my kitty opened her eyes and she's probably the cutest ever. I've named her Sadie and I can't wait to snuggle in my purple bedroom... All this free time leads to lots of planning.

love and miss you all.


  1. Aye mi madre!! What happened, Im scared. Talk soon. and Be alert!!!!!
    love so much
    Mom and dad
    don't worry its not fun here with out you!!!

  2. awww lauren. i feel the same way. the honeymoon stage has warn off pretty quick at site. we're just going to have to plan that aweome turkey day trip to belize!! sounds like you have a nice setup with your fam and kitty already, and you and betty are lucky to be together. it does feel kinda like we are juust passing the time....i guess that is what adjustment is all about. miss you and hope we all get to see each other soon!!!

  3. My sweet Laur -- what an adventure you're on! Sweaty weather, sunburns, new people all around you, a host family that feeds you and their bird countless tortillas, a freaky holdup, and a kitten to keep you company when you move into your new apartment sometime in the near future. It sounds like a good book in the making! I sure love reading your blog, and I'm sorry you're feeling so homesick right now. Those are some tough emotions. Know that you are very much loved and prayed for back here in the states. You are doing great and wonderful things with your life and the impact you will have on those less fortunate will last a lifetime. Stay safe. I love you beautiful.


  4. Hi! My son is a PCV in Guatemala. I read your blog and just wanted to let you know he'd be someone to talk to. He has been at his site a little over 6 months. His blog address is http://barrettpcvguatemala.blogspot.com/

    Take care of yourself...and get in touch with Barrett.
