About Me

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I'm living Guatemala for 2 years to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer. This blog is to stay in touch with family and friends about my adventures. It does not reflect the beliefs of the United States government, Peace Corps, nor the people or government of Guatemala.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dia del Carino

Well, hello from my netbook in Antigua. I'm sitting in McDonald's and let me just describe it. It has a beautiful courtyard and I'm sitting in a booth outside with lots of pretty plants. It's pretty sweet. I realized that yesterday I forgot to mention what we did in Spanish class this past week. We watched the movie "Sin Nombre" and I highly recommend it. It is pretty violent and sad but it is really educational about gangs in central america. It was made in El Salvador and I really found it interesting and educational.
This morning I cooked stir fry for my family for lunch. It was pretty successful and they told me that it was delicious. I hope it was, I tried to get the flavor right. Also tomorrow is Valentine's day, which is a huge holiday here. It's kind of funny. Everyone buys flowers, chasky gifts, and candies. It's kind of cute. It's such a big deal, we didn't even have school yesterday. Today my host sister, who works in a flower shop, came home and brought me some roses for "el dia del carino". It was so cute, I have to organize them when I get home today. It was really sweet and just made me realize how happy I am to be living with my host family.
Anyway, I'm in a bit of stimulation overload, lots of people here in McDonald's. Life is good and tomorrow begins our week of field base training. Hope to speak soon! Love and miss you all lots!


  1. good luck this week! Happy Valentines day!!
    lovoe love love is in the air!

  2. So, did you gte a valentine's card or flowers from anyone?
