About Me

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I'm living Guatemala for 2 years to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer. This blog is to stay in touch with family and friends about my adventures. It does not reflect the beliefs of the United States government, Peace Corps, nor the people or government of Guatemala.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Wonderful Birthday

Well considering yesterday was my first of three Guatemalan birthdays I can say it was pretty awesome. I received many hugs and lots of love from my new friends and family! It was so special. My family gave me a really pretty orange shirt and all of my fellow healthy schoolers wished me a happy birthday right. I had pepian for lunch which is a special Guatemalan treat! Then my family shared cake with my fellow townmates. The evening was topped off with a phone call from home and I'll I can say is that it is pretty wonderful to feel loved on your birthday! and I most certainly am.


  1. Awe....my lil girl...That cake looks like sompin' good!! I just love the family surrounding you, I know they are special. And I am thankful

  2. Happy Birthday girl.. Your very missed and thought of often! xoxo

  3. Happpy belated birthday! I'm glad to hear it was wonderful and your host family sounds great! felicidades chica!
