About Me

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I'm living Guatemala for 2 years to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer. This blog is to stay in touch with family and friends about my adventures. It does not reflect the beliefs of the United States government, Peace Corps, nor the people or government of Guatemala.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy Early Birthday to ME

Well it is the day before my birthday and I'm sweating bullets... I know I shouldn't complain because I know most of you are freezing but please bear with me. I can't wear shorts... It's hard to wear jeans in 80 degree weather. My 2nd complaint is that my ipod touch is broken completely. I would like apple to know that they really should make products that don't break in less than one year. It is incredibly frustrating to have something wonderful break... but the brightside of that situation is that my friend here happened to bring 2 ipods to Guate and she was sweet enough to give it to me. So it is a wonderful birthday so far... Honestly if these are my two biggest problems we can say life is pretty good. Yesterday marked our 7th week of training. How exciting. 4 more weeks until swear in. I can't believe the date is getting so close. It is very exciting but very nerve wracking at the same time. I think that within the next week I will be finding out who my 2 year partner is... talk about stress. But I'm excited and super ready to find out more about my new life. Being in this limbo stage is crazy... It's exciting but as the time gets closer, the nerves keep building and my patience is getting thinner... not really patience but just my desire to know what is going on! In other news, I can't believe tomorrow is my 23rd birthday and my first of three in Guatemala. I know that my family is planning on buying a cake to share with my townmates... We also have technical training in the morning so I will be able to see most of my friends. Mom, I got the toby birthday card... Super Cute. Saturday I think we will come into Antigua for a nice lunch and afternoon to celebrate my birthday with more people. Anyway, thanks for all the love. I really miss you all and I'm so glad to know that I have so much love... especially on my birthday... Aunt Susan, no card yet, but maybe next week... Oh which reminds me of my 3rd complaint... the mail system here takes forever... But please keep sending me letters because whenever I hear from anyone... It rocks my world. love love love


  1. You Rock us with a posting!!
    Love you, Have fun, need I say that!!
    I just raised Heck at a Winchester Planning meeting----Win Star material!!
    Will forward

  2. Hi Lauren: Brent's mom here. He said I would enjoy reading your blog. It's nice to read another volunteer's perspective and to know you are all happy, meeting new friends, and looking forward to making a difference in the lives of Guatemalans.
