About Me

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I'm living Guatemala for 2 years to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer. This blog is to stay in touch with family and friends about my adventures. It does not reflect the beliefs of the United States government, Peace Corps, nor the people or government of Guatemala.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl

Well,it´s offical.ONE MONTH in GUATE! How exciting. Yesterday we went to a Mayan Ceremony and it was so interesting. We got to participate and ask for blessings in our two years of service here. How exciting, we are part of history. It was so neat to see how mayan culture still exists today and to partipate in something new and exciting. Today is a day for relaxing and possibly trying to find a way to watch the super bowl. GO SAINTS!!! In other news, I can´t believe I have been here for a month. Things are still going well. I love my family here but I really miss you all too!! I feel like I should have more to write and describe but life is life here. I get up around 7 every day and go to bed around 9. Speak a lot of spanish and am just enjoying my life right now. Lots of times I just question myself and I can´t believe I am in GUATE. I am so lucky and I really am learning a lot.

1 comment:

  1. glad you are enjoying things! Did you watch the game? do you know the saints WON?!! We are enjoying life here under tons and tons of snow. ohio has a lot of snow but virginia has MORE! I love seeing the photos! send more of your home and anything else!
